here are her new-er braces and the shoes I have mentioned before. They aren't very girlie but the serve the purpose to help stand and walk. The bottoms are very wide to add stability and the braces support her ankles.
Early Intervention loaned us this walker which she absolutely hates for unknown reasons. She can't figure out how to make it work but she did learn how to push backwards but that still wasn't enough for her.
It an odd photo but she is in the middle and I want you to see how flexible not having muscles can make you. She has her sock in her mouth. She is about 20 mo. old in this photo.
If you can see a better shot at her braces and shoes brand new!!!
having muscular dystrophy has advantages of being small. She is one years old and fits in a little toy wagon. Grandma had to much fun with her and they both loved it.
A cute picture of her first crawling. She in a tube obviously.
This is the picture that goes with the story of her first standing. She stood like this for about 10 or so seconds but she was leaning on the couch. This day was the first day we witnessed her optionally weight bearing. I did have to hold her belly up a little or she would've fallen right down.
Early Intervention loaned us this stander. She tolerated it quite well. She had to be strapped in and strap her little bottom in. She used to stand with her butt sticking out and her knees bent so this contraption helped her stand straight and forced her to weight bear. They say they don't like the sensation of bearing weight so this helps to desensitize that uncomfortable feeling and they can get used to it. It worked!!! If you can get access to one of these do it!!
I took this picture yesterday. She is with her cousin in a car seat just being normal. She is pretending to talk on the phone. She has her cute little braces and shoes on.
This was taken just this last august she is pretending to ride the 4-wheeler. She has all the strength to lean forward and hold herself up. She mostly acts just like a normal little girl.
the braces are a life saver I will try to post more current photos of her and her feet but they're all on my phone. These pictures were all stolen off of my facebook page. Drew n Michelle Crenshaw. The pictures are all open to the public if you want to browse more. She's got a great support group which is important and just praise for all that she does keeps her going. Her feet are straightening out with the help of the braces and the shoes and the standing. I keep telling her hers are normal and all of ours are not. They are now adorable to me. She is a little over 2 years and will closely fit a size 4 shoe in toddlers/infant. With the help of her braces and the weight bearing her feet are now starting to grow. She went from a size three to a 4 in about 6 months which I hear is slow but I think its pretty good considering she was in newborns at 6 months and size 2 for almost a year.
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