Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Dallas and Charlotte pics 7.14-11.14

 This video is back in July 2014 a few weeks before Charlotte's 1st birthday. I laughed at her clapping her feet and thought I would share it with you hopefully you are able to view it.

          Charlotte is just being her loving self. Pictured with her mom, myself back in October 2014

  We got a new Red Heeler puppy and named her Kelty. Charlotte was ecstatic!! Kelty rode home in                                                    her carseat with her the whole way home.

 Dallas dressed herself in this all pink outfit and her new rain boots that are 2 sizes too big for her and                                                 yet won't take them off. November 2014.

This is Charlotte crawling 2 days after her first successful try. The first crawled on her sister's birthday!! She was just a little over one year old. We taught her how through early intervention and 5 days after we showed her how she decided she could do it and try and try until she was successful. This video is of her first long distance crawl she was so determined!!
             Dallas and Charlotte playing together. Charlotte is always a happy girl. October 2014.

 Dallas and Charlotte. Charlotte has been working on weight bearing and pulling to stand. She needed help with her legs not locking. This is her standing with her new braces they give her better support and more correct posture.

 first day with her braces. The right leg only needs support for her ankles so its just and AFO. Ankle foot orthotic. The left leg is a little weaker and the brace goes up to mid-calf. They design it this way with a little lift on the heel to push her weight forward it encourages her to not lock her knee when standing.  October 2014.

 Dallas' first pony ride at a fall harvest fair. She was so excited even though she doesn't look it and                                               had a great she told me. October 2014

 Charlotte's first pumpkin we picked on her size so she could hold it. It came home with several                      pieces bitten out of it but she loved being able to hold one all to herself!! October 2014.

 Dallas being super impressive being able to climb these tires with no help. She struggled a little bit but she was so proud of herself and that alone is worth anything!! I love that she tries to do things she may or may not be able to do. As long as she tries wether failing or completing makes me proud of her!! October 2014.

                                     Dallas, cousin Molly and charlotte. September 2014.

 This is Dallas' first Dance outfit. We put her in a dance classes at a local gym that does 20 min. of gymnastics, 15 min. of ballet and 15 min. of tap dance. She is enjoying and although she can't do a lot of the steps correctly the teachers are awesome with her and encourage her. She goes once and week and is already showing improvement and more confidence. She tries to do a lot of the steps by herself before asking for help and we're even somersaulting by ourselves now.....super impressive!!! If you notice her left leg is smaller and much weaker than her right leg. She favors the right so it has become stronger we are working on strengthening the left its amazing how much weaker it is but it'll catch up eventually.

 Dallas' Fist day of Preschool. She is in developmental preschool held by her Elementary school. This is her last year before kindergarten. She is wearing braces that go up to her knee to also push her knees forward to help correct her posture and give her legs and ankles support so that they don't wear out and tire as fast. August 2014.

                                                  Mom and Charlotte selfie August 2014.

               Charlotte and Dallas at home depot. They love the shopping carts. August 2014.

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