Tuesday, November 22, 2011

The Pros.....

Obviously its not a very happy disease but there are some pros....although they're mostly for the parents and they're kind of selfish I can't quite get her point of view on these things just yet.

With the fatigue she sleeps at least 11-12 hours a night. She usually is down between 7-8 at her own request and without fail is up between 7-8 in the morning. So its definitely a pro for the parents. We get several hours at night to do whatever parents do.....even sometimes I get those several hours by myself. Being over a year old she still takes about 2 naps a day. The afternoon naps usually last 2-3 hours. So I sometimes sneak in an hour or 2, I am usually exhausted by then.

She doesn't move a whole lot either, she can't walk yet and her crawling although improving isn't very productive. I don't always have to watch her or bring her room to room with me  because when I leave she's usually in the same spot, or vicinity, of where I left her.

She's so small and doesn't grow like a weed that I definitely get my money's worth out of her clothes. She's 15mo now and still can wear 6- 9-12 month clothes that she's been wearing for for the last 6 months. That is great! She's also not super stiff like a lot of normal kids she's very very flexible which makes her much more cuddly. Especially when she's tired or worn out she's very cuddly.

She's still very much a baby at this age. She's not a toddler because she doesn't toddle. Her appearance is looking more and more like a little girl but she's is still very much a baby. She can barely talk and can't walk....or stand.

                                                                 Daddy and Dallas
                                                            Dallas and her "papa"

             Dallas and her Mom

These are just a few pictures of us. She just has a special little personality so easy to fall in love with. She has little bonds with all of her family members. We call her "special needs" I don't think you would even know it unless you knew her or saw her try to move. She's captured hearts and I think a lot of it is she isn't "normal" and to see her try so hard to do so many things makes it so much more of an accomplishment when she does. That is one of the best pros. Every little milestone is so special to see, to see her learning little things and wondering where she picked it up from. To see her progress is just the absolute best!!

There are con's though, of course. Because she can't talk she whines a lot, its frustrating not being able to communicate. It's also frustrating for her to not be able to move everywhere she wants to get and get everything she wants to get. I make her work for it. If she wants me to hold her I make her come to me, she hates it and will throw a tantrum but how else will she learn to move or want to learn to move.

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